Sunday, 8 January 2012

Craft it forward 2012.

Hey there, what'cha doing? Having a lovely Sunday? Relaxing, maybe with some toast and strong coffee? That's exactly what i'm doing. Chilling on the sofa and charging the batteries after a very busy (and long) week at work. Perfect.

I wanted to let you know about a 'Craft it Forward 2012' which i am taking part in. I stumbled across it whilst reading Ooh La Lapin's blog the other day. Lou, the author of the blog is taking part in this cute initiative and as one of the first five commenters on her blog so am i!

Lou will send the first five people who commented on her blog post a handmade goodie. We then write about it on our blog and then the first five people to comment on that get sent a handmade goodie by me.

This then hopefully goes on with more and more people being sent lovely things and then sending lovely things they've made to commentators.

I think it's a lovely idea (you just have to ignore the associations with that awful film Pay It Forward). I thought i'd give you a heads up so that when i receive my item and post about it you can be one of the first five!

Don't comment on this post but wait for the one titled 'My craft it forward 2012 goodie'. I promise my handmade goodies will be brill. What a fab idea to kick of 2012.

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