Monday, 3 October 2011

Short and Sweet.

Howdy there lovely people!

I mentioned yesterday that i have been having a bit of a play at work whilst it's been quiet. We're thinking of making sweet treats for Christmas and therefore we've been researching and practicing bits and bobs.

I don't know if i mentioned that i got a promotion at work? Did i? I don't think i did. Oops. I am now the chef! Woop. This means i am learning lots and branching out into savory food (i am out of my baking comforts zone.....and i love it).

Anyway,  getting to try recipes is a major perk of the job and means i can also try things that i might include in my Christmas hampers. Perfect.

Yesterday i made hazelnut toffee. Proper toffee, the sort that pulls your teeth out. I was worried about it working, as i've tried toffee before and it did not turn out well, in fact, it was a bit of a mess. This time however i followed a very good recipe and as you can see they turned out perfectly. They are very chewy and tasty. They will definitely be going in the hamper. Yup.

I also made coconut ice. I had no idea before i attempted this how easy it is and how good it can be. The recipe i used used fresh raspberries and no food colouring (i have nothing against food colouring but i know some people don't like the idea of it). It's left overnight which makes it crisps on the outside and all gooey and bounty bar on the inside. Bliss. I think it is also a hamper contender.

These hampers are going to be huge at this rate! Oh well, the bigger the better i reckon.

I also made a cook book purchase yesterday too. It's the new Dan Lepard, called Short and sweet- The Best of Home Baking. It is brilliant and i thoroughly recommended it. All the recipes work (well the one's i've tried so far have) and are spelled out in an idiots guide kind of way. Which if you're me is a good thing! If you like baking and puddings get this book. Unless you don't want to, that's ok too.

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